Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is a program aimed at promoting a love of reading and familiarity with the best in literature for young people. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by a state or local Battle of the Books committee, and then compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books.
The 4th grade students will be responsible for reading the entire list of 15 books. Our goal is that each 4th grade student on the team read every book and complete a test making 80% or better.
How can my child participate in EBOB?
At Weaverville Elementary, the emphasis for the Battle of the Books Club is on the enjoyment and benefits of reading quality children’s books and the fun and camaraderie of the club. Fourth grade students are eligible to join the EBOB club if they meet the following requirements:
Permission slip signed by a parent/guardian.
A membership fee of $30.00. This will cover students’ competition t-shirts and lunch on competition day and access to resources for getting ready for the competition.
4th graders: Commit to read all 15 books and complete a test with 80% or better.
Attend most afterschool meetings.
Exhibit exemplary behavior at all EBOB meetings and events. Students may be asked to sit out during a round of competition if they exhibit disruptive behavior.
When will the teams be selected and how will they be selected?
The EBOB faculty committee will use the following criteria to select a team by mid-March .
Read all assigned books on the EBOB list;
Complete each test with an 80% or better grade OR a written summary of the book;
Meet all deadlines;
Participation in EBOB activities.
Students may be eliminated from the competition for unsportsmanlike behavior.
What else do I need to know about the Battle of the Books Club at Weaverville Elementary?
We will meet every Wednesday from 2:30 to 3:15. Students can be picked up in the regular pick-up line at 3:15.
Emails and notices will be sent home with students on any changes that take place.
EBOB information will be posted throughout the year on the BOB page on the school’s website.
The NCSLMA Elementary Battle of the Books list can be found here .
All of these books can be read using the Sora app. Just go to IAM, click on Clever and you will see the Sora App.
EBOB Faculty Committee/Coaches
Tera Yopp, AIG Teacher
Amy Tucker, Media Specialist
Click for rules regarding EBOB from the NCSLMA.