Technology Support

Most sound and camera issues can be fixed with a hard shut down. If you are having technical problems ALWAYS start with a hard shutdown of the device first.
How to Shutdown Your Computer Video
If that doesn’t work you can contact the Help Desk or the school.
Technology Help Desk: 828-255-5987 (8:00 AM - 3:30 PM, Monday-Friday)
If busy, email from your phone or a personal computer.
If all else fails between the hours of 8:00am-3:00pm, call the school (828) 654-1785 and ask for Ms. Griner or Mrs. Fore.
Remember that your 1:1 device has frequent software updates. This causes the computer to have a black screen, blue screen, spinning, and restarts on its own. If that is happening plug your computer in and let the updates run. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours. If your computer starts an update during class find a way to email your teachers to let them know that your computer was updating. If the update hasn’t gone through try a hard shut down first, then contact the school.
Zscaler Login:
The Zscaler service is a BCS service that protects your internet traffic when you connect to your corporate network, public internet connection or home internet connection.
The Zscaler login is:
StudentUID(lunch number)
Password: Student’s computer login password
No internet at home?
Parents of children who currently do not have Internet access at home may request a Homework Hotspot for connecting their child's BCS 1:1 device to the Internet.
Please contact us (828) 654-1785
How to Use Google Classroom
*** If you are having trouble with the videos, here are the written instructions. ***
How to Use Google Classroom
To join each class, you will need a code. See the chart above to get the code for each class.
From your school email, click on the in the top right corner.
Click on and then click on in the top right corner.
Click on Join class. Enter the code.