North Carolina Parent Education Resource Center
The North Carolina Parent Education Resource Center can be accessed through here.
Information from the PERC site:
NC PIRC is all about parental involvement and is a multi-level training and information program designed with parents, parent groups, schools and community participants in mind. We have provided services to families and educators in Title 1 schools, schools in urban areas and to NC’s lowest performing schools since 1985. ECAC’s NC PIRC program is funded through a grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement.
Our services include:
Individual Assistance
Workshops and webinars designed for parents, parent groups, schools and community groups on a variety of topics
Staff development training
Train the Trainer workshops
Empower newsletter
Lending Library
Information to parent groups and school buildings
Articles & Information Sheets (E-PICs)
Information and Referral services