Workers Compensation
What happens when you get hurt at work?
If you get hurt while on the job, let your supervisor know ASAP (within 24 hours). Your school secretary will give you forms to complete and return to him/her.
If your injury involves possible exposure to bloodborne pathogens, complete the Exposure Incident Report as well. Send this report to Mike Kowaluk (Safety Officer).
If you need medical assistance, report to the nearest Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care and tell the clerk that your injury will be handled under workers’ compensation benefits.
Always start with Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care, if needed.
Life threatening injuries should go immediately to nearest hospital emergency room.
Do not go your own doctor or to a chiropractor.
A workers’ compensation adjuster will be assigned to your case. The adjuster will investigate your claim to approve or deny it.
The Urgent Care Physician may make a recommendation to see a specialist (if needed). If you cannot go to the initial appointment, let the specialist’s office and Urgent Care know ASAP. Sometimes you will have to take the initial appointment due to scheduling conflicts. All appointments thereafter should be made before/after work hours.
If you need to see a specialist, the Urgent Care will wait for an approval from our workers’ compensation carrier, and then set up the appointment before personally contacting you. DO NOT make your own appointment.
During this time, keep your school secretary/supervisor informed of your absences so that an overpayment doesn’t occur. If you miss more than seven (7) calendar days due to an approved workers’ compensation injury, compensation at the rate of 66 2/3 of your salary will be mailed to your home address.
As explained on the Employee Option Form, you have a seven (7) calendar day waiting period in which you can choose to use your sick leave, annual leave, bonus leave, or leave without pay. All absences require a doctor’s note. Keep in mind that if you are out of work over 21 days, you will be reimbursed your waiting period by workers’ compensation and may be overpaid by Buncombe County Schools. If you have been prepaid because of payroll deadlines, you may have to reimburse Buncombe County Schools for your waiting period.
What about Prescriptions? Use the Pharmacy and Physicians Form (in the workers’ compensation packet), if you are prescribed medication for your injury. Please do not pay for prescriptions out of pocket.
WC Preferred Providers
View the list of medical clinics to treat all workplace-related injuries/illnesses.
Other Questions?
Contact Drew Rogers in Human Resources: 828-225-4780