Thinking about retiring within the next year?
Take a look at the TSER Checklist for guidance on retirement.
Set up a retirement planning meeting with Chrissy Porter, (certified staff), or Stephanie Davis, (non-certified staff) if you are planning to retire within the year to review your pension payment estimate, the timeline for filing retirement paperwork, health insurance options, etc.
Before the planning meeting:
Be sure you have claimed your Orbit account. If you have not, please see the How to Claim your Orbit Account presentation here. Be sure and update your beneficiary information in Orbit.
View the "What to consider when thinking about Retirement" presentation here. This is a wealth of information explaining who is eligible to retire, an explanation of your pension payment options, information on the forms you will need to complete once you decide to retire, and a recommended timeline that will make your retirement process smooth.
View the Navigating your State Health Plan Benefits and Medicare presentation here. This will explain all your health insurance options upon retirement, as well as explain your timeline for medicare enrollment if eligible.
Ready to retire?
Please set up a retirement meeting to review your updated estimate, sign your paperwork and begin the retirement process. Be sure to plan this meeting at least 120 days prior to your retirement date.
Ongoing planning conferences for Teachers & State Employees Retirement System employees. You can register here.