Click HERE to look up your CEUs
PLEASE NOTE: This link only works on a school computer connected to a BCS network.
NCDPI Online Licensure System
Visit the NCDPI Online Licensure System to update your educator's license information. You may add area(s) by program completion or 24 semester hours, request a name change, add experience, and view/print a copy of your license. Instructions and more information are available within the online licensure system.
Renewal Responsibility
It is the responsibility of each licensed employee to maintain his/her license in a current status to be eligible for employment. A North Carolina Professional Educator's Continuing License is valid for a period of five years and must be renewed each five-year cycle as displayed below (NOTE: CEUs in the "General" category can be from any area).
As a condition of employment per NC State Board of Education (NCSBE) Policy LICN-005, LEAs reserve the right to assign literacy requirements for any educator. Renewal requirements are subject to change based on NC State Board of Education policy updates. Remember, it is the employee’s responsibility to maintain their North Carolina Teaching License. For more information, contact the Licensure Specialist, Credit is no longer given for teaching experience. Please note that CEU's in the General/Other category can be from any area (Content, literacy, digital, etc.)
Click HERE to look up your CEUs
PLEASE NOTE: This link only works on a school computer connected to a BCS network.
Renewal Criteria:
A unit of renewal credit is equivalent to one-quarter hour or one in-service credit from a North Carolina public school system. A unit reflects ten contact hours.
One semester hour is equivalent to 1.5 units of credit.
or a professional educator's license to remain current, all credit must be earned by the expiration date of the existing professional educator's license.
To renew an expired Professional Educator's Continuing License, 8 units of renewal credit must be earned.
Activities accepted for renewal credit:
College or university courses. Official transcripts are required as documentation; grade reports are not accepted.
Local in-service courses or workshops (e.g. WRESA)
Classes and workshops approved by Buncombe County Schools. Visit the Frontline Professional Growth (formerly MyLearningPlan) website for approved classes and workshops.
Workshop Standards:
Workshop times must be a minimum of one (1) hour at a time
CEUs are granted for no more than 6 hours per training day
All-day workshops must include a lunch break. It is not acceptable to cut the lunch break short in order to release participants early at the end of the day.
Participants are expected to attend all sessions and complete all workshop requirements to receive credit. Partial credit will not be granted. Should an absence be due to a documented, extenuating circumstance, e.g., medical or family emergency, the situation will be addressed on an individual basis.
National Board Certification
Completion of the National Board Certification process provides 8 CEUs toward license renewal (including reading and subject area credit). In order to receive the credit, teachers must submit a copy of the congratulatory letter from NBPTS to the licensure specialist in the personnel office and indicate if the credit should be recorded for the current renewal cycle or the next renewal cycle. The National Board Re-certification process provides 2 units of credit toward license renewal in your current renewal cycle. The same process as above should be followed in order to have this credit recorded.
Prior Approval
Prior approval through the Frontline Professional Growth (formerly MyLearningPlan) website is required for any course, workshop, or activity that is not sponsored by Buncombe County Schools.
Participation in PD from an Outside Organization/Agency
If you have paper certificates from a non-BCS coordinated activity that have not been submitted for credit, login to the Frontline Professional Growth (formerly MyLearningPlan) website and complete the following steps:
On the left side of the page, click My Info > My Information > My File Library
Click the Upload a File button and attach the PDF certificate (note: the filename can only contain letters, numbers & underscores - no spaces)
Once uploaded, click Forms > Credit Request Form
Fill in the required information in the red boxes. At the bottom of the form, select the attachments from your file library, and click the Submit button.
Other Information:
Questions about Staff Development to meet CEU requirements? Contact the Staff Development Coordinator carol.o' or 225-5283.
Questions about your License or its renewal cycle? Contact the Licensure Specialist or 255-5898.